Thursday, May 24, 2012

Internal X Ray vision - What Is It? How Is It Used In Intuitive Healing, healing Intuitive analysis

What Is Copd - Internal X Ray vision - What Is It? How Is It Used In Intuitive Healing, healing Intuitive analysis
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Do you know about - Internal X Ray vision - What Is It? How Is It Used In Intuitive Healing, healing Intuitive analysis

What Is Copd! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

Superman had it!, X-ray vision, the quality to see straight through walls (which are just a dense convention of energy that creates its form). In today's world, internal x-ray foresight is a reality and not a cartoon myth.

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How is Internal X Ray vision - What Is It? How Is It Used In Intuitive Healing, healing Intuitive analysis

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from What Is Copd.

The quality to visualize energy fields straight through the mind's eye is called clairvoyance. The actual quality to comprehend a corporal body's outside energy field (called an aura) or internal bimolecular energy fields is called Hsp (Higher Sensory Perception) internal foresight by Barbara Brennan author of "Hands of Light." By directing your brain to focus at a higher vibrational frequency level one can see the bimolecular energy formation of cells, tissue, bones, organs and other subtle bioenergy systems (example: the nervous law with neural pathways and nerve damage or electromagnetic misfiring disorders) inside of the human body at anyone depth or resolution they choose. Dr. Mehmet Oz stated on Oprah, "everything is pure energy, you are a mass of vibrating frequencies gathered into the corporal form that you call your body."

How do we entrance the facts stored within our energy fields? primary medicine uses Mri's, Cat scan, Pet images, Muga and Trilogy data, and X-ray technology. Internal X-ray foresight coupled with intuitive anatomical medical determination is a relatively new facts convention formula that is gaining ground as part the farranging diagnostic process for integrative holistic medical teams and facilities.

The 2007 Rhine research Center's (founder by J B Rhine who identified and validated Esp) International Spring argument Consciousness Today featured an Intuitive medical determination Panel argument about scientific and clinical intuitive medical determination chaired by Larry Burk, Md, Moderator, Radiologist, Intuitive determination Researcher. Brent Atwater one of the panelists, is a documented and published peer reviewed and respected medical intuitive who uses internal x-ray foresight to achieve intuitive anatomical medical diagnosis. Other participants were Leon Curry, Md, Internist, Intuitive determination Researcher who worked with Greta Alexander an intuitive diagnostic pioneer, and Mary Jo Bulbrook, Rn, EdD.

Ms. Atwater (whose friends call her a human Mri), points out that internal X-ray foresight contributes the following to medical diagnostic procedures:

o Can be performed from a distant location, also know as remote internal viewing.

o Saves Time! in catastrophic or trauma injury, important or oppressive care or
emergency medicine situations.

o Determines the "urgency" of your corporal situation.

o Finds medical conditions and health issue locations, and determines the extent and
severity in the body.

o Clarifies important disease areas and identifies other contributing energy imbalances
within each client's corporal systems at all levels-cellular, organs, muscular,
vascular, nervous, etc..

o Continuously monitors the client's health without interfering or creating
complications during medical treatments and procedures.

o Has no side effects and is non-invasive.

o Provides a detailed corporal and all systems determination of what is happening at any time.

o Can confirm or raise important concerns about test results, medications, treatments
and procedures.

o Can be used in conjunction or comparison with current Mris, Pets, Mugas,
Cat Scans, Trilogy and X rays.

o Provides an alternative medicine assessment.

o Can identify areas that have not yet become detectable by primary medical
examinations or testing methods or procedures. This facts can aid one in
making decisions about current and future medical treatment, and health care.

o Can contribute facts about future health issues.

In her book, Thru My Eyes as a medical Intuitive, Ms Atwater states that studying techniques to have internal x-ray foresight can sometimes be taught to those individuals who are capable of focusing at higher energy levels, and to those who are inherently gifted with intuitive gifts. She notes that intuitive anatomical medical diagnostic (Body Scan) workshops usually include:

o Techniques to look inside a body and construe what you see.

o Learn the electromagnetic frequency colors of the various bio energy patterns of various health issues and medical conditions and their positions in the body's energy field.

Using internal x ray vision, reputable and evidence based intuitive anatomical medical diagnostic research is providing important scientific documentation about energy medicine in order to help bridge and originate the integration of primary and alternative medicine so that each patient will advantage from all medical and diagnostic modalities that are available!

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