Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Sarcoidosis Pneumonia relationship - A uncut View and Newfound Hope

What Is Copd - Sarcoidosis Pneumonia relationship - A uncut View and Newfound Hope
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Sarcoidosis pneumonia association - What is sarcoidosis?

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How is Sarcoidosis Pneumonia relationship - A uncut View and Newfound Hope

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from What Is Copd.

In this article we will look at the basic of the sarcoidosis-pneumonia association and then look into some up-to-date developments that seem to offer new-found hope for population suffering from this terrible thing.

Sarcoidosis is an autoimmune disease, it is an inflammation that involves granulomas, which are small masses formed by immune cells when the immune theory tries to fight off strange substances. Sarcoidosis may influence various organs in the body, such as lungs, skin, lymph nodes, liver, spleen, eyes and others. It is potential for the sarcoidosis granulomas to subside, but sometimes they can stay inflamed and lead to complications such as scarring. Sarcoid scarring in the lungs can lead to a disease by the name of pulmonary fibrosis, which is a type of continuing pneumonia that causes scarring or thickening of the lungs and creates breathing problems.

Granulomas that persist can be found in the airways and they can be accompanied by an infection or organizing pneumonia (which is an inflammation of the bronchioles and surrounding tissue in the lungs).

Sarcoidosis pneumonia association - What is pneumonia?

Pneumonia is a respiratory disease that can be caused by some types of bacteria infecting the lungs. population with other conditions are in higher risk of contracting pneumonia and in those cases it may be severe and in some cases even cause death. Those diseases include: sarcoidosis, asthma, emphysema or continuing obstructive pulmonary disease (Copd), diabetes and immune theory disorders. Other risk factors that can lead to pneumonia are: smoking, immoderate alcohol consumption, up-to-date surgery or a respiratory infection (such as cold, influenza or laryngitis).

If the sick person has an basic disease and gets pneumonia, he is likely to be treated with stronger medications, and not only with antibiotics, which are used to treat pneumonia in most cases.

Sarcoidosis pneumonia association - What are the symptoms of the two?

Sarcoidosis symptoms include:

Persistent dry cough Shortness of breath Wheezing Chest pain Swollen lymph nodes Fatigue, weight loss Fever Skin rashes and lesions Eye inflammation and pain

Pneumonia symptoms include:

Cough (with mucus) Fever and chills Fatigue, loss of appetite Shortness of breath Headaches, obscuring (in some cases) Excessive sweating Chest pain

Sarcoidosis pneumonia association - Conclusion

As we can see the symptoms of sarcoidosis and pneumonia can be very similar. If you have sarcoidosis, it is foremost that you talk to your doctor as soon as you consideration worsening of your symptoms, particularly in the lung and chest area.

New amelioration in the field of sarcoidosis investigate that we mentioned previously is the holistic protocol known as the Aden protocol that has stirred the waters by gift fabulous success rates to population with sarcoidosis. You can visit the home page of the Aden protocol and learn more about the sarcoidosis pneumonia association and the news in the field of sarcoidosis research.

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